Palak Awasthi (1:1 Mentorship)

Validity : 30 Days

Per Session Cost: 1000/-. (45 Mins)


  1. Software Engineer 2 at PayPal (Sep 2023 - Present)
  2. Software Engineer at Qualcomm (Jan 2022 - Sep 2023)
  3. Applied R & D Engineer (Aug 2021 - Jan 20222)


M.Tech - CSE (Information Security) (2019-2021) 

Grade: 8.6

Mentorship Areas:

I am committed to Providing guidance and support tailored to each mentee's unique needs and aspirations. Sharing practical advice and industry-specific knowledge to help mentees make informed decisions.Offering constructive feedback and helping mentees develop the skills necessary for success.

Note: Mentorship is available either on GMeet, Zoom, or a phone call as per the mentor's convenience.


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